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Kings and Things

June 23, 2022


Kings and things to take by storm...

We've got magic to do just for you.

We've got miracle plays to play.

We've got parts to perform, hearts to warm,

Kings and things to take by storm

as we go along our way.

It's Christmas 1183 A.D.: King Henry II is planning to announce his successor to the throne — and his three sons all want it. When he allows his imprisoned wife Eleanor of Aquitaine out for a Christmas visit, they all variously plot to force Henry into a decision. Henry wants Prince John to take over while Eleanor believes Prince Richard (the Lion-Hearted) should be King. Intrigues erupt as the entire assemblage attempts to force the indecisive King to choose his or her option.

Once you've heard Katharine Hepburn and Peter O'Toole assault these sublimely-crafted words, then and only then can you die. Otherwise you must wander the mists without aim until you have seen this bona fide masterpiece. It's wicked and conniving and nasty and one helluva delicious good time. Hepburn won her third (of four) Oscars for this performance (in a tie with Barbra Streisand for "Funny Girl") in a back-to-back win, having won the year prior for "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner".



The Angevins-English Monarchs-Henry II-Richard the Lionheart-John-Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine

Eleanor of Aquitaine: History, Facts & Artistic Facial Reconstruction of Eleanor as a Modern Woman


Divorcing a King — Eleanor of Aquitaine #1 (Extra History)

The Court of Love — Eleanor of Aquitaine #2 (Extra History)

The Devil's Brood — Eleanor of Aquitaine #3 (Extra History)

Mother of Empires — Eleanor of Aquitaine #4 (Extra History)


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