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Fly Again, Mothers

May 12, 2024





Mothers sent here

as bringers of life

by the Maker of All That Is:

You arrived crystal clear

and were saddled with strife

(this one above was called Liz).

You cherished the souls

and nurtured the young,

a true Colossus of Rhodes.

They made you old,

with praise unsung,

and obliviated your codes.

But God retrieved it,

your attackers were seen,

and a long, long list was made.

Your heart then grieved it,

these crimes so mean,

with simply no law obeyed.

Loose now the Lions,

so saith the Source,

loose now the Tigers and Bears.

Devour the scions

and do it with force;

no life for them upstairs.

And the blood in the veins

of your offspring is healed,

for those who know Him it's done.

The removal of stains

and all that was killed,

done now by the Ultimate One.

Stand back, I hear!

Make way the aisle,

for the Brides of Him arrive.

Their anointing is near,

in just a short while,

for the Mothers are the Brides.

You are redeemed;

Holy and Whole.

Eternal with God at your Crown.

Your soul is cleaned;

God fills your bowl.

Fly again and never come down.

Fly again.

Fly again.

Fly again.


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