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A Rose for Wincenty

April 5, 2023


Wincenty Szeleszkiewicz,

on this Easter 2023.

I remember, my dad told me once when I was young: “Don’t ‘touch’ a married man and pastor/priest (Catholic Church).” I loved him beyond everything.

Wincenty Szeleszkiewicz

Wincenty Szeleszkiewicz was born in Warsaw in 1909. In 1914 1922 lived in Kijow (Ukraine) and after finishing High School came back to Warsaw where he started his high education (Wawelberg & Rotwand). He received an engineer diploma and began to work in Warsaw (aerial/ flying industry as engineer mechanic). From 1935 he worked in Paper Factory in Jeziorna —Konstancin near Warsaw. In 1957 1959 was a leading director/president of that factory.

In 1948 (my DOB) dad became a part of group of artists in Konstancin. His free time he used to work outdoor (plain air) or in the art at studio with friends. I remember the art studio of Adam Styka (famous painter) my mom and me used to visit and enjoy. He participated in various group exhibitions or just as an individual artist. As a retiree, he continued his passion. Loved landscape, portraits and still life. Very various/diverse and reach creativeness.

Dad used sketches as a base for oil or watercolor painting at home.


A tradition for writers, painters, sculptors great influencers for the next generations. My birthplace, childhood, high school, and the best family memories. We loooved that spot on the map. Always in my heart.

History of Konstancin

More information about my dad that I found in the Internet: He created a Chronicle of Paper Mill (1769 1980) and much more written memories. Historian P. Komosa said this about dad’s hand written chronicle of the Factory:

"Beautiful is a document of time, showing us the life of its crew with the plant, the publishing version is a photocopy of the hand-written chronicle. The 1980 version is distinguished by the addition of memoirs of the Paper Mill employees, one of which I put below. Memories were collected by Wincenty Szeleszkiewicz, an extraordinary figure and referred to by me several times, on the FB profile you can find a gallery of his paintings. A former Home Army man, director of the paper mill, creator of the local school popularly known as 'Circus' painter... In a word, a person of merit for the local community."

He also was teaching in the Paper Technicum. We used to check out together the quizzes he required from his students. That’s a funny story too. Polish articles I saved for my data. Polish/English translation see below (just fragments).

Memories from Mirków

Secondary School of Papermaking in Mirków, 1986

Below, a part of Paper Factory (historical picture).


All of his friends had nicknames: My dad was named Garibaldi. The name of a model woman Gioconda. His best friend, also a painter — Goya. Another one —Pissarro. I mentioned just a few. It was FUN! They used to meet on Sundays to work, paint, and discuss and share ideas together. I remember that. Big studio full of aroma/smell of oil paint and cigarette puffs :-) oh, and wine was on the table too!

Dad died in December 6, 1987. It was the most painful time in my life. People LOVED him. My loving, understanding, full-of-invention, honest, generous, decent, BIG hearted dad.

It was a wonderful journey having him in my life. My beloved man, father and friend.


Lady L.


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