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Christ Walked the Americas?

November 23, 2018



This myth is persistent. And perhaps rightly so. Nearly all the American tribes have traditions of this mysterious white man who appeared before them from out of nowhere teaching love. I think Edgar Cayce's readings tell us that Jesus walked the Americas (don't quote me on that). And what are we to think of all these traditions we keep finding? Are we to discount them as mere coincidence? It's interesting that we find the Los Lunas Stone with the Ten Commandments on them in the Hebrew alphabet -- looong before Europeans were thought to be here. And what about the whole Egyptian civilization discovered in the Grand Canyon in the early 1900s which keeps getting suppressed by officials? And the Minnesota Rune Stone? There's been travelers coming to this continent for a looong, long time.

Occam's Razor, I think, on this matter. Occam's Razor. Very fascinating topic. You can go down a major rabbit hole on the internet relating to this topic. This is just a bite.


From the traditions of the many Indian tribes of the Americas we learn of a common legend, myth or belief in a great white bearded God who visited them in the distant past, coming down from heaven and teaching them how to live their lives.


Jesus In the Americas!

The Aztec Commandments and the Great White God of the ancient Americas

So, in the dialogue, do we just ignore the reality of these? These are just a few. There's lots of testimonies.


Ancient Egyptian Lost City and Buddha Statue Discovered in The Grand Canyon

[The Smithsonian is responsible for some of the most stunning coverups in our history. It’s criminal. This Egyptian coverup is a big one, and so is eradicating evidence of the giants who once populated parts of America. Their bones were everywhere, and the Smithsonian has been a big part of removing that from our history.]

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