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No 5.

October 8, 2020  | Ron

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The Spell


Aside from being one of the oldest, most influential, and most famous cathedrals in the world (made iconic by Victor Hugo's 1831 Gothic novel, "The Hunchback of Notre Dame"), Notre Dame held the Crown of Thorns believed to have been placed on Christ’s head during His crucifixion, pieces of the cross that He was believed to have been placed upon along with one of the nails, and the largest pipe organ in France (historically used to heal the frequencies of the congregations) — among other irreplaceable artifacts.  Notre Dame, like all important churches and cathedrals, sits upon a powerful portal, and is built over the ruins of two prior churches and a Gallo-Roman temple to Jupiter before that.  


While the storming of the Bastille actually launched the 1789 French Revolution, the sacking of Notre Dame soon thereafter initiated the anti-God, de-Christianization aspect of the movement with the destruction of artifacts and the beheading of the twelve apostles.  Decapitations are central to the Luciferian war ethos, particularly Christians, and the French mobs eventually beheaded even the organizers of the Revolution along with the oligarchy.  The damage that Notre Dame suffered during the French Revolution was severe enough that the building was put up for auction, but when Napoleon came to power he annulled the sale of the cathedral and had it restored.  The statues of the twelve apostles surrounding the spire of the cathedral were all made during the restoration in the 12th century' style.

The French Revolution was a Luciferian rebellion, which is why early in the Luciferian BLM/Antifa riots we heard chants of “French Revolution 2.0!” and witnessed the appearance of guillotines in those beleaguered cities.  We also saw the BLM/Antifa throngs attacking statues around the country because the attacking and beheading of statues is an important symbolic act for Luciferian revolutionaries foreshadowing the work of the Antichrist during the Tribulation when decapitation becomes the principle method of execution.  This is what Kathy Griffin tried to signal with her deplorable stunt after Trump’s election which summarily ruined her career (it was a hair too early and it backfired on her).  

The Luciferian Order of the Black Sun is obsessed with making Revelation come true.  Rather than employing the prophecy as a means to avoid the predicted outcomes of suffering and death, they are rather using Revelation as a map to bring Armageddon into reality.  Why?  Because their war is against Christ and they believe if they create enough hell on Earth they can force His return for the final showdown.  Make no mistake: the death of Christ is their end goal, and they believe they can wage war in the Heavens in the aftermath.    

“And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.” (Revelation 20:4)

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The Black Sun Luciferian forces inaugurated their Armageddon revolution against worldwide Christianity with the burning of Notre Dame on April 15, 2019.  And conveniently present there on the Seine River in actual view of the blazing horror was none other than Muslim Brotherhood Black Sun Queen Michelle Obama (clad in her gray man-suit and pearls), who just happened to be taking an afternoon champagne cruise with a few rich friends — just for fun and purely coincidentally, of course.  The fire literally reflected in the champagne glass which creature held in its talons.

Everything since April 15, 2019 has been a systematic, step-by-step, shock-and-awe campaign of attack-after-attack leading into 2020 where the blood was meant to be spilled, the masses were meant to be chipped and absorbed into the beast system, and the takeover of America (and then the world) was meant to be secured.  Christ is their chief target, and His adherents their mortal enemies.  

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Parenthetically, it’s interesting to note that four days before the fire, on April 11, 2019, the sixteen copper statues of the twelve apostles (the foundation of Christ’s church) and four evangelists were removed in a contemptuous ritual from their placement around the spire where they had rested since 1860, first being beheaded, their torsos suspended above the city one-by-one, then flung into tumbrels in the street below, and finally carted off to storage with their decapitated heads.

The operational tactics of these Luciferian rebels is the Saul Alinsky playbook [see also] and the Cloward-Piven Strategy, along with Soros' demented color revolution, but the guiding spirit is full Antichrist.  Remember, Alinsky dedicated his “Rules for Radicals” to Lucifer himself, “the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom”.  It sounds so benign and reasonable until you realize the “establishment” of which he speaks is actually God, and the “kingdom” that he won is Earth.  Folks, Lucifer is gone.  He’s been taken care of.  But his minions flourish and they fight as if he still commands them from the top.  His removal, however, makes them no less dangerous and lethal to humanity and ESPECIALLY to Christianity because Christ is the prime enemy of the Luciferian rebellion.  

But what is a “rebel”, technically?  It’s “a person who does not like to obey rules or who does not accept normal standards of behavior, dress, etc.; a person who fights against the government of their country.”  Read that again:  “a person who does not like to obey the rules”.  Well here’s the thing: rules are necessary.  It’s how we maintain a structure for a functional society.  Sure, we can adjust the rules as need arises, hopefully toward the greater good, but we establish rules and agree to abide by them in order that we can co-exist in harmony and create a structure which helps serve the purposes we set forth.  The entire Universe functions in a legal framework.  That means there are “rules” and “laws” and “contracts”.  Matter itself only exists because of an agreement among the particles.  Agreements are everything.  Manifest reality exists singularly because of agreements.  The rebel trashes the agreements.  The social contract is how we maintain those laws and rules in a Republic.  It all functions well only as long as we each agree to uphold those contracts.  And that’s what the rest of us are trying to do: uphold that world-changing contract we call the United States Constitution which defines who we say we are.  It is our collective identity as Americans.  When rebels come along seeking to dismantle the “establishment” and refuse to uphold the social contract, anarchy occurs — and anarchy is the environment the Luciferian rebels require for a successful destruction campaign.  


This is a war for a timeline: the Luciferian Timeline on Earth versus the Source Timeline on Earth.  Alinsky clearly stated as much.  

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