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No 2.

October 24, 2020  | Ron

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Simple Meanings Expressed


I absolutely have to post this one because I have such reticence about it.  I'm pretty transparent as it is, but this one is very intimate to me because it was actually just a creative exercise never meant for anyone but me to see.  I didn't even replace the inferior working audio track I used to edit it.  It was just me with a song and a camera making up a story and using actor footage from some old movies I did and playing with editing and weaving a little tapestry from fragments of my life.  And I found all kinds of footage that I didn't know I had.  There's some very interesting little tidbits in there, like a freaky red sun we had one summer here with some wild planetary thingy, and other little gems that you'll recognize if you were a frequent visitor over at the old property.   


I did this at a transitional time when I was just done with pretense around me, my own, too, and I needed a creative way to synthesize things simply, with things of simple meaning to me.  Total inner child stuff.  And it wanted to be expressed visually.  So I decided to make a music video with a little story.  And Brindle's in there, too.  The part that makes me cringe a little, though, is a shot where I show my butt -- just for a flash.  It was symbolic to me of facing fears to live my life as nakedly as possible.  But what the hey?  I made it; might as well share it, right?  It's just a butt, I guess.  We all have one.  So don't hate me because I'm beautiful.  And it's a great song, too, crappy as the sound quality is. 

I called it this because it absolutely signified (and signifiesat that time a rite of passage into a rebirth for me.  (I cannot believe I'm about to post this publicly...)  Presenting:




This was mine (or one of them, certainly).  I think sometimes the most personal and powerful passages in life are those we do for ourselves.   That's what this little video was for me:  totally my own rite of passage.  It was absolutely cathartic to create it, such as it is, and it has resonance for me even when I view it today because I embedded within it things to impulse ME.  My point (hopefully)?  Give yourself a considered, creative self-exploratory rite of passage in some manifestly-expressed form to herald living lineage from one phase of life into the next.  Play with your story.  Give it away, so to speak, so it can live more vibrantly and usefully.  Even if only in a form seen only ever by your eyes.  A video, a painting, a story, a poem, a sculpture, a song... where does the alchemist in your life seem best expressed?  And what wants to be said?

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