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SLF Practicum

Metaphysical and Universal Arts

The Doctorate Program


inside you.

your own universe


not out there.

Source is 

Source is

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The Doctorate Program is a penetrating deep-dive into Universal mechanics and Creation, and therefore God, Universal Law and soul contracts; Universal, galactic, Earth/human history; systems of control; the technocracy; multi-dimensional realities; mind-control and programming; healing techniques and modalities and extensive process work; psychic self-discovery and development of intuitive gifts; fortification of coping skills; creative self-cohesion and expression.  

In our invoked and embodied state we:

  1. express our CREATIVE POWER freely; 

  2. MINISTER to ourselves and then others;

  3. become good DOCTORS of body, mind, spirit; and

  4. become responsible stewards to the planet.


THAT is SLF's Doctorate Program, in a nutshell.  Anyone attaining to this level will have been through SLF's Creative Empowerment and Ministerial Programs. 

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Curriculum D1

A significant portion of my day, each day, is spent with Source.  I gather data from the world, from the internet, from news sources, from daily interactions, and at some point each day I bring it all to Source.  And the clarity I receive (if any) usually gives me a mapping as to what I need to format to share with a larger audience, or a specific audience, or a person -- and how.  And I plan the outlay of my daily world this way.  This becomes the basis for the information which I attempt to share in our various mediums.  This organized part of my day in sharing information IS Source in my life and the expression of my commitment to what we do together, and my goal is to help everyone undertaking this course to learn how to craft their day from their true Source, too.  

For those of you who have been through this program, you know what a foot-race it is.  There was a whole spate of students in the beginning who cracked under the pressure.  It seems to challenge even the sturdiest of students, and I think it's because life at this level of thought challenges old belief systems which are boogery to change.  And if you've been through this leg of the journey with me, you know it's way more unconventionally-approached than you could gauge sometimes.  The classroom is life, and life is the classroom.  We work improvisationally as required, and that's why it seems to be so effective.


Universal Arts Divinity Program


  • 33 Credit Hours

  • $1,800.00​​


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