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Latest Topics...

"SLF Blog"

The daily skinny...

Current events, messages, and frivolities.


Of notable worth...

"Brother J"

Because who doesn't love Brother J?...

"Movie Night"

Silver screen escape...


Cinematic selections to inspire, educate, illuminate and touch the heart.  

"Your Galactic Suit"

And your soul star... 


A visual guide to accessing your Higher Self in galactic terms.

"Test Your Abilities"

Where is your mind?


Which side of the brain are you operating in right now?  Find out.


Is your depth alignment synced to the left side of the brain at the moment, or the right side?


Feeling the need for greater protection?




All session and course work is conducted in a private, personalized and confidential forum.   Our work is practical, process-driven, and we strive to achieve maximum, real-time results.  Mondays through Fridays, 1pm MST - 6pm MST.  Payment Via PayPal.

"Featured Associate"

Monika.  Artiste...


Art classes, tutorials, commissions*, and workshops for individuals and groups.  I work in a variety of mediums:  monotypes, silver point, charcoal, oil, watercolor, pencil, and more.  I have a number of galleries posted, so I hope you enjoy!

"Music/Sound Therapy"

The miracle of the human voice...



Scrub away the ickies...


Cameron Day guides seven clearing processes which are highly effective in removing Klingons and other astral critters. 



And a little praise...


Still amazing...


This indispensable textbook was amazing when the first draft was written in 2001, and then in 2003 when the mass market version was released, and it's still amazing now that everyone is finally starting to talk about all the things we talked about nearly two decades ago.  What an incredible resource, for teachers especially.  It becomes more and more relevant with the advance of time. 

"Our Favorite People"

Fellow teachers...


"Open-Enrollment Classes"

Creative Empowerment...

Plum the depths of your imagination and re-conceive your creative destiny.  We have a program for you.  

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